Monday, March 2, 2015

Do Slaughterhouses Make People More Sensitive to Cruelty?

I have to share a crazy thought that crossed my mind earlier today. While I do agree with Paul McCartney that "If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian," I think slaughterhouses may have had an inadvertent and ironic effect against meateating. I think it is possible that some of the population may have been made to be more sensitive to the plight of animals because they are not exposed to the desensitizing nature of animal butchery. What they buy in the grocery store does not resemble animals. You hear people getting grossed out about consuming any part of an animal that resembles a body part, such as the tongue of a cow or the eye of a fish. Yet, to that indistinguishable part of the animal, its flesh, they happily eat it. Slaughterhouses have changed people's experiences. When I was a child, we had a school trip to a butcher shop, and we were exposed to all of the cruelties of killing animals. In order to keep eating meat, you have to become desensitized to what is happening to animals in the cleaning and butchering process. Are slaughterhouses producing blocked vegetarians who are ethically sensitive to cruelty?

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