Friday, November 22, 2013

BBQ Revolution Review

I probably shouldn't say anything unless my comments are only completely positive, but I thought I would share my experience at the new vegan barbecue trailer on North Loop. I had a soy curl sandwich and potato salad. They were OK, but I would not go out of my way to get them again (at least right now). The food was a bit one note. The sandwich was extremely smoky and salty. I had a hard time tasting anything else other than the smoke. The potato salad was also extremely salty and was missing something, perhaps more pickle relish? The flavors were quite subtle. Please do not get me wrong, we all need to support this vegan business. This was only my first time eating there. The items that I had need to be tweaked some. When I was a meateater (more than 11 years ago), I loved eating barbecue. Good barbecue was never overly smoky. It's greatness was in a well-balanced sauce. That should be the dominant flavor. I have high hopes for the barbecue trailer. I just hope that adjustments can be make on the menu. By the way, my wife was much more positive about her sandwich.

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Freya's First Birthday

We celebrated Freya's first birthday a day early because I have to leave tomorrow morning for a trip. The first-year tradition is for the baby to have first dips on the cake. It's time for chocolate and a mess. At first, Freya did not know what to do. Maybe she was concerned we didn't want her to mess with it, but after she took a couple dainty jabs at the cake, she got in the spirit of things and dug in. Freya loves her new doll, which she can take into the tub with her.