Thursday, July 12, 2007

The weight of an argument

Have you heard the recent criticism of Michael Moore and his new documentary, "Sicko" (which I plan on seeing this weekend)? Some are saying that the documentary's conclusions that universal health care is needed are not valid because Michael Moore is fat. That's perhaps one of the most illogical arguments I've heard in a while. Moore's weight has nothing to do with his reasoning. How many doctors live unhealthy lifestyles? I'm sure it's more than those who live healthy ones. Does that disqualify them from giving sound medical advice? I don't think so. What about trainers of world champion boxers? Some of them are short and fat, but Mike Tyson would never have been world champion had he not be taught how to box by one of these trainers. Would it be better for doctors and Michael Moore to be thin and vegans? Absolutely. (Oh my, I'm sounding like Donald Rumsfeld.) Certainly, a person's ability to reason never has anything to with weight of that individual.


  1. PETA made me sick, more like Ingrid, with her comments. The lack of affordable health care is a harsh reality for americans, specially people of color and of course for valley folk. I wrote a response to the PETA blog and they didn't post it. That's too bad because I did not talk about poor Micheal Moore or good job for PETA, in fact I think Ingrid and PETA are doing a diservice to this major issue that affects many people. In addition to giving in to mainstream beauty standards that thin is pretty there fore healthy and fat is ugly and unhealthy...argh. Hortencia

  2. I think PETA does do some good things, but sometimes they cross the line. Their Web site helping people learn about veganism is good. The problem with healthcare, as I see it, is that the debate is getting stifled by the mainstream media. The New York Times this week had an article about the healthcare plans of each Democratic presidential candidate, or at least that was what it promised. It basically talked about John Edwards, Hillary Clinton and Barrack Obama. How are people supposed to decide who has the most powerful argument if all of the arguments aren't presented? Edwards, Clinton and Obama don't want to do away with health insurance companies; they want to make them richer. One of the candidates that the Times did not mention was Dennis Kucinich, the vegan candidate. Kucinich wants to eliminate the middle man, the health insurance companies, which gobble up a third of all healthcare dollars spent, but they do not provide any healthcare. Kucinich wants a system run by the government and paid for by taxes. It's the most sensible idea out there.
